Sat 14 May 2022

Hansen and Kristoffersson receive Motor Prince’s Medal

Timmy Hansen and Johan Kristoffersson’s recent FIA World Rallycross Championship triumphs were celebrated at the Royal Swedish Automobile Club’s annual meeting last week, with the presentation of the prestigious Motorprinsens Medalj (Motor Prince’s Medal).

Timmy Hansen and Johan Kristoffersson’s recent FIA World Rallycross Championship triumphs were celebrated at the Royal Swedish Automobile Club’s annual meeting last week, with the presentation of the prestigious Motorprinsens Medalj (Motor Prince’s Medal).

The accolade is awarded in memory of Sweden’s late Prince Bertil, a successful motorsport competitor in the 1930s and a former chairman of the Swedish Sports Confederation. Kristoffersson and Hansen were presented with their medals by Prince Bertil’s great-nephew and godson, Prince Carl Philip, who has raced himself in both the Porsche Carrera Cup Scandinavia and Scandinavian Touring Car Championship, winning at Falkenbergs Motorbana in 2015.

Hansen secured his first world championship crown on countback following an intense duel with Andreas Bakkerud in 2019, with Kristoffersson racing to glory in 2017, 2018, 2020 and then defeating his countryman in a similar dead-heat finish last year, as he and Hansen wound up tied on points.

Both men have confirmed that they will return to do battle for World RX’s inaugural electric title in 2022, driving for Hansen Motorsport and Volkswagen Dealerteam BAUHAUS.

“It was an honour to visit the royal castle, meet the prince and receive the medal for my world championship title back in 2019,” acknowledged Hansen. “Covid obviously came in-between, so we only had the ceremony now but it was a great experience and I feel super-honoured. It’s also a big statement about rallycross as a sport, and I was happy to represent the discipline in a room like that.

“Of course, I shared the day with Johan and a couple of others who have achieved amazing things throughout their careers. My dad also got the medal, I think in 2007, so now we are two Hansens in the family to receive it. It’s a big honour, and I will put my medal there in the workshop next to dad’s. That will be very nice.”

“It’s always a privilege to be invited to such an important ceremony, and it was an honour to be presented with the Motor Prince’s Medal,” echoed Kristoffersson. “I’m proud to represent Swedish motorsport all around the world, and it means a lot to be recognised in my home country.

“Sweden has such a long history of success in this sport – particularly in rallycross – and hopefully mine and Timmy’s achievements will inspire future generations to follow in our footsteps.”

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